Welcome to the LCA Multimedia 2011 miniconf website!

The 2011 LCA Multimedia miniconf provided a platform where users and developers of Linux multimedia software could share experiences and gain new insights about the often complex applications they use and rely on. It presented a fantastic opportunity for users to interact directly with developers, facilitating diverse discussions on topics such as required features, new workflow ideas and the low level multimedia systems.

This Multimedia miniconf was accepted into LCA2011, and was held in room N518 on Monday 24 January 2011! The following is an outline of the timeline leading up to the conference.

  • Miniconf announced as successful: 8 September 2010
  • Official call for papers: For future reference the call for papers remains accessible.
  • The timetable is now available, which includes links to slides and other material as appropriate.
  • LCA2011 began on Monday 24 January 2011

Multimedia encapsulates a wide variety of topics: composition and playpack of video, audio and music. We featured presentations or short tutorials on any topic related to opensource multimedia software. For reference please refer to our Call For Papers page for further information.

LCA Multimedia 2011 was organised by Jonathan Woithe, Silvia Pfeiffer and Roderick Dornan with input from Conrad Parker. For more information please contact Jonathan, Silvia or Roderick. Additional contact information is available on the contact page.

Previous LCA multimedia miniconfs